Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In Search of A New Dawn. The Brutal & Honest First Day of 30

This is how much I weigh on "Start Day" - Friday, March 21st, 2014
I should mention that I'm only 5' 3" on a "good" day. 
I never used to be a Big Girl. But now I am. I have lots of excuses. None of them matter anymore. 

Sharing my actual weight on a public blog is completely insane, I know. Not even dear hubby knows for sure how much I weigh--until today. But I promised myself I would be brutally honest with my readers. And there's a method to my madness which I'll explain in future posts.

Checking for "creepy crawlers" before I set out
for my first walk in months.
This is not about shaming myself. What it IS about is being brutally honest with myself, facing my fears, letting go of some of my relationships with food and exercise, and starting to get healthy.
Even a thousand-mile journey
begins with a single step.
Because I'm NOT healthy, and I’m finally committed to getting off my fat ass and doing something REAL about it for at least the next 30 days. You don't have to DO what I’m going to be doing, which will be completely insane and probably, OVER-sharing. 

Of course, I do welcome all respectful, positive, and constructive comments, participation, feedback, and advice. You can also feel free to just read along and laugh behind my back. C'mon, you know I can take it, because I’m a BIG girl, right? But that's about to change…….

Go ahead, laugh, I can take it.
Because I'm a Big Girl.
   Today I went for a walk for the first time in many months. I didn't get up early enough and it was already hot. But at least the dog enjoyed it. 

They were the first steps in a thousand mile journey to finding my former, healthy self.

This daily project is going to be a short, more visual, less wordy journal about my personal quest to becoming healthier and happier in a brutally open, honest, and very public way. 

I hope you'll join me and support me while I'm on this journey, at least for the next 30 days. 

More explanations in upcoming posts. Thanks for reading!



  1. I'm right there with you! Just started (again) this week...we can do this!!

  2. You CAN do this, one step at a time!

    1. The steps are even getting bigger every day! Pretty soon they'll be toddler steps :)

  3. Dawn, you have my support. I am hovering where you are on the scale. I am on day three of going sugar-free. My friend who is several days ahead of me told me today, when I was enduring some serious cravings, that she has already lost six pounds in just over a week. We can do this! I don't know my exact weight because I refuse to know it until I've given this sugar-free thing a chance to do ITS thing!

    1. But I have a feeling I'm shorter than you, Shrink! I started weaning myself off added sugar a few weeks ago and now I'm doing pretty good with that. I also try to limit refined/processed grains or flours. I do occasionally have whole grain bread. It's a little challenging here in Belize because the food is just different enough that I struggle with finding things I like to eat that are also GOOD for me. It's always an uphill battle. And the exercise thing BITES. I have never liked to exercise. But I'm determined to find a balance!

  4. You Can DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it! Hopefully you will bee putting good recipes on here for us to make and follow you! Love you!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Melli - I hope that next time I see you I'll be rocking a much healthier bod in a much cuter swim suit! Hope you had fun in Mexico and I'll see you again soon. Love you too!

  5. Yay Dawn! I'll be cheering you on and trying to get some motivation myself. Love the title of the blog too, btw - very clever.

    1. well…..I kinda ripped off Jennifer Hudson's Weight Watcher's theme….. but I just like that song!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dawn, you can do it and I'm rooting for you too.

    1. Thanks Tonia! I'll welcome all the support I can get!

  8. Dawn, keep up the good work you have already started. Will be cheering you on.

    1. Will do Stella - and I will be listening in for the cheers, they will probably be the only thing to keep me going!

  9. Dawn, you are sooo cool. Love the "new Dawn" word play....and if writing about it and posting it works for you, then go for it. Your life, your health, your win! I finished day 3 of Tony's gym. Having a blast and am seriously sore. No cravings either.. appetite tanked. That is good because I eat non stop. I am not going to weigh myself though. If Iose some pounds, then I will feel like I am invincible and charge down to Tutti fruitti for a double scoop. If I do not lose (and feel like I should see a drop in the numbers on the scale) then I will get discouraged. So, I am staying away from the scale to avoid that bumpy, as in up and down, road that I have travelled so many times. Another thing I am going to do...Lee is, have Tony do an assessment of body balance and function. It has to do with body alignment so the bod works most effectively and efficiently. Then he gives you exercised to retrain your body. One of the other gals did it and got rid of many physical limitations.

  10. The body assessment sounds very intriguing Gail - I will be very interested to hear more what you find out. And I know the scale can be a very tricky thing. I don't plan use it every day forever, but it was a way to get brutally honest with myself, and knowing that I will be sharing that number every day is keeping me motivated so far! I haven't been broadcasting it, but all my days through yesterday are posted on the right hand side of this page, and I'm getting ready to post about yesterday now. At least I'm moving more for the first time in a long time!
