Sunday, March 30, 2014

Simple Saturday - Day 9 & Still Going!

I'm just not good at getting going in the mornings, even though I want to, so by the time I was ready to exercise today, it was already almost 10 a.m. The village is usually busy by then, and I just didn't feel like dodging cars and trucks on a walk today, so I decided to slug it out on my stairs again. Knees and ankles protesting the whole time, I managed 17 straight minutes and trudged down and back up a total of 21 times. 

After a two minute break, I pushed (and I do mean pushed) myself to do another five minutes and seven more trips down and back, for a grand total of 22 minutes and 28 trips! Feet dragging, head pounding, and dripping sweat, I high-fived myself for pushing through the discomfort and doing that extra five minutes when I truly just wanted to quit. It may not seem like much to you, but it is for me. My current goal is to push through both my fatigue and my fear to do just a little bit more each day, even if it's only a little. My heart rate was definitely up, but my head didn't explode, one of my biggest fears!

I am giving you three scale shots today because I decided to do an experiment, and it was interesting. I wanted to prove to myself that the number on my scale is arbitrary, and as I've known all along, it can fluctuate wildly from day to day. All three pictures were taken within 30 seconds of each other. The first picture shows the first time I got on the scale and it shows I am a pound up from yesterday. I then hopped off, reset it, and jumped on again. The second pictures shows another two ounces. In 10 seconds? 
So, I tried again. When it showed another two ounces added, I knew I had proved my point, at least to myself. The scale is NOT my friend and is not 100% accurate. I was afraid to get on a fourth time no matter how many more seconds I might wait.  

So, now I know for sure the scale will not be the only measurement of success for me. Some of my success is going to have to lie in a change in the way my clothes fit, the way my body looks, and the increased endurance, stamina, and strength that I gain. As a "day to day" measuring stick, my scale is not any more accurate than the winter weather forecast in Iowa. 

But, tomorrow's another day, and it's not only another day, it's Sunday Funday! Bloody Mary, here I come! Time to enjoy!

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