Saturday, April 12, 2014

Accidental Friday Funday Rolls Into Super Saturday (Days 22 & 23)

I'm combining Friday and Saturday's posts, because although I didn't mean for it to happen, Friday turned into a complete failure for me. I started the morning with good intentions by getting up at a decent time and getting ready to head out for a walk before the hubby even left for work. But the dark clouds overhead had different ideas, letting loose with a downpour right as I got ready to go. 

Thinking it wouldn't last, I decided to tackle some catch-up work I had been putting off while I waited for it to let up. The next thing I knew, the rain had dissipated, but it was almost noon! I had things to do and errands to run, so I changed out of my workout clothes and headed into the village. I made sure to hit the veggie stands, and then grabbed some groceries, and took care of a few other things. 

 By the time I got home and put away my haul, it was nearly 4 p.m and I needed a shower. We had decided to head to the Barefoot for happy hour since we hadn't been for awhile. The problem, for us anyway, is that Friday night happy hour easily turns into happy HOURS (which is why we don't go that often!) 

We saw so many people, and had so much fun chatting, before I realized, it was 8 p.m. and I hadn't eaten more than a couple handful of grapes and peanuts all day. I had also only drank half my liter of water, although I had downed several of my favorite, Watermelon Bliss! Luckily, I had some good food options in the fridge when we got home, so even though I was starving, at least I didn't pig out on something completely unhealthy. 

But the worst thing was, I failed to exercise at all. And by the time I realized that exercise wasn't going to happen, I was having too much fun to care! It's the first time since I started this project that I simply blew off my exercise, but I was guilty as sin. And when I woke up Saturday morning, I knew I would have to admit to the world I had failed. I did NOT meet my commitment to exercise at least 30 minutes, or eat healthy food, on Friday.

Saturday I got up early, and after I finished beating myself up for my failure to eat right or exercise on Friday, I got right to work. Pulling out my hated P90X collection, I selected one that I knew would kick my ass, the Plyometrics set which is lots of alternating reps of 30-60 second long bursts of intense activity and a total of 56 minutes long. I knew I couldn't "make up" the day I missed, but I wanted to push, and maybe punish, myself a little. It's one of the toughest dvd's of the collection, and I could only do 42 minutes. But I did it, sweating out Watermelon Bliss the whole time. And then I more than made up for the lack of water intake Friday by downing two full liters before noon on Saturday. Win? Yep, I guess so.

I made a point to plan out my food for Saturday better, and had two hard boiled egg whites and a banana for breakfast, a BLT in a pita for lunch, and a big salad with a piece of bacon, black olives and cheese for dinner. My snacks were a handful of grapes mid-morning and some raisins in the evening. I felt like I got plenty to eat, and most of it was healthy too. Win? Yes, I believe so. 

My biggest failure so far, failing to exercise or eat right on Friday? Is that a Win? Nope. I'm not happy about it. And it also means that since I already used up my "free day," my Sunday is going to be a "No-Fun-Day." I'm going to have to exercise and not eat anything "fun," and skip the Watermelon Bliss, even if we do get together with our friends, our usual Sunday plan. That makes me sad, but that's the price I have to pay. But it was a small failure in the larger scope of things, and it isn't the end of the world. And at least I know there'll be another Sunday Funday next week, and tomorrow I can try again! 

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