Enjoyed Sunday Despite Having To Exercise! (Day 24)
Since I used up my "Fun" day on Friday by eating poorly, not exercising, and then indulging in more Watermelon Bliss than I should have, I had to exercise on what would usually be my "exercise-free" day. The village is usually quiet on Sunday mornings, so I leashed up Foxxi to take her for a walk.
What I failed to take into account was that her little friend, the neighbor's dog "Fluffy," had been over to play early in the morning and tired her out. We didn't get far at all before I realized Foxxi was already exhausted, and I didn't want to give her heat stroke, so we turned around and came back to the house. I was disappointed to find we had only been gone 20 minutes. It wasn't as long as I wanted, but it would have to be enough, because the boys had a surprise for me - a motor for my little boat had finally arrived!
Dear hubby and our adopted son, "E," were as excited as kids about launching the little boat I had received as a late Christmas present back in January. Now that I had painted her name on, and they had found a motor that would work, it was finally time to put her in the water. I helped them wrangle my baby, "Nemo," off the ramp and into the water.
I let the boys take her out for the first spin to make sure everything worked ok, and then it was my turn. I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to finally be puttering around the canal and the lagoon in my very own boat! I had never operated a boat motor like this, and it was interesting to learn how it worked.
We spent some time practicing how navigate, reverse, and turn, and how to pull up to the docks. Dear hubby took pictures and helped by picking out different support posts on the dock, and having me "kiss" them with the nose of the boat. It was really fun, although I will need more practice before I will be ready to go alone.
Thanks to frequent (hated) grocery shopping last week, I was able to make healthy food choices despite the fact that dear hubby decided to make french toast for breakfast, something he's never done for me! But it's a good thing that there will be more fresh produce at the veggie stands on Tuesday, I'm already getting low on quite a few things. Having a 19-year-old young man at home on Easter break from college, and who is always hungry, really depletes the grocery supply quickly!

Overall, Sunday was a pretty good day, and almost a true "funday." And at least I did some exercise, even though it wasn't the full 30 minutes (or more) I try to shoot for. I also got my full liter of water choked down, along with several glasses of unsweetened tea. And I think I'm going to count the boat wrangling as exercise too, since it is REALLY heavy and takes all three of us to get it off and on the ramp, so that gets me a little closer to my 30 minutes. And at least I was pretty active all day with very little couch surfing, and that helps too. And, of course, tomorrow I will try again! See you then!
Ahhh, the boat looks fun. Good luck with your 8 days in a row of exercise. We missed you guys Sunday!
ReplyDeleteYes, the boat will be lots of fun, but the exercise? Ugghh - it was DREADFUL this morning. I'm still sore from the P90X punishment on Saturday! I did stairs, and my knees and ankles were protesting the entire time!!!