Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday Road Trip Ends in Downhill Slide (Day 12)

I wanted to get up and do my exercise early since I was tagging along with a friend to Dangriga for a little shopping. Sadly, I ended up sleeping a little too late but I knew I would have plenty of time to go for a walk or do my stairs when we got back. I made sure to remember to hop on the scale though, which sadly hasn't really moved much one way or another the last week and a half. I need to think about how I can step that up, even though I've already added quite a bit more activity than normal. 

After an hour in the car in the glorious air conditioning, we got our important errands out of the way first, and then decided to park the vehicle to walk and shop a little. For lunch, we stopped at a little sandwich shop I'd been to before called "King Burger" and had BLT sandwiches. I didn't really want all the bread, but there wasn't much else on their menu that I would eat. Because I'm such a picky eater, it's often hard to find restaurants that I feel comfortable with that offer healthy choices.  

After lunch we walked through some of the markets and finished the rest of our errands. Heading home, we ran the air conditioning again, something I rarely get to enjoy and it was heaven. Unfortunately, that bliss ended when my friend dropped me off and I walked into my house to find my beloved little miniature doxie, Bunni, having either an allergic reaction or neurological problem. Now I have to admit that strange incidents happen with Bunni frequently, but it still upsets me each time. 

We've had Bunni to the emergency vet many times when we lived in Iowa with allergic reactions, and other emergencies. Since we've lived in Placencia, she has had several allergic reactions to bug bites and stings, and has also given herself a concussion and seizures from hitting her head on a wooden gate while in a full speed run.    

But when I found her showing no signs of an allergic reaction but unable to walk properly with little control of her back end, I panicked. This was definitely not normal, even for Bunni. My immediate thought was either poison or a back problem called IVDD, very common in doxies, which leads to permanent disability and paralysis. Thankfully, after spending hours fretting over her, she gradually came out of it with no signs of adverse effects (in her typical Bunni style), but I was left a nervous wreck.

And that's when the French couple with a huge catamaran sailboat got stuck in the canal in front of our house. Apparently the tide had went out, and even though they had been assured they could navigate the canal safely, there wasn't enough water. After trying to get some help for them, and finally conceding they would have to spend the night there until the tide came back in, I was completely done in. I quickly fixed some chicken breasts, a big salad, and the rest of the brussel sprouts I had sliced the other day. All thoughts of the exercise I had promised myself earlier had vanished, and I finally collapsed on the couch about 8:30 p.m., emotionally and physically exhausted. 

As I sleepily tried to accomplish a little writing, I realized I had done no real exercise, other than the walking while shopping in Dangriga. I knew I would have to hold myself accountable, but I just couldn't do anything more. I guess some days my plans for exercising and eating well just don't go the way I planned, and I'll just have to try to do better tomorrow. See you then!


  1. Watch your portions too, they are easy to get out of whack and affect your weight. How is your water intake? Water retention in hot weather is a factor. I'd weigh only once a week so that you are not kept in a turmoil over the fluctuation. I do not use a scale anymore. Just a tape measure and the way my clothes fit. The scale drove me bonkers!!! It was the best decision ever in my weight loss journey.

    1. Thanks Beth! I am often very erratic with portions, and it often depends on if I've had anything else that I liked during the day or something that satisfied me. I often go without eating because just nothing sounds good, and then I overeat when something does sound good. I do drink about a half gallon of unsweetened tea each day but only because I can barely choke down plain water. I'm only weighing myself every day right now because that's what I committed to, but I will be stopping the daily weighing once my 30 days is up. It's definitely not good for my ego :)
